organic . vintage . vegetarian . artist . inovator . creator . messenger . leader . lover . believer . fearless . blessed . rouge .

Thursday, July 28, 2011

caught in the act of joy;
guilty as charged.
this is real life.
another smh moment brought to you by Danni Rouge

why would you cut your hotdog into man form & then boil him? lol
---> now this is just ridiculous. smh

Very recently Sketchers launched their newest product called Bobs. With every pair of shoes sold, a pair is given to a child in need. Sound familiar? look familiar? .. Not only did Sketchers copy the entire concept behind the Toms movement, but they mirrored the design and overall astetic of the brand. Being charitable because of the meaning behind it is one thing .. being charitable for marketing purposes is another.

Its not just about how you give, its why you give. The founder of Toms, Blake Mycoskie, had traveled to Argentina in which he met countless barefoot children. This powerful & authentic experience is what inspired him to do good. He and his team took a great financial risk with the business model they chose to create.

Copying the concept is not the upsetting part. Blake actually hoped to set an example for other businesses to imitate. But to mirror the whole concept so blatantly showed a lack of originality and creativity. So far from genuine, Sketchers set themselves up for ridicule.

---> lesson is ; do not give in vain.

Monday, July 25, 2011

if you know anything about me,
you know this is the key to my heart.

the kit kat bar that is, not the guy.
erase the color lines.

Thursday, July 21, 2011

Tuesday, July 12, 2011

Nala Bear.
from April 20, 2010 ...

.. till forever ..
our love in unconditional.
<3 my princess Nala.