organic . vintage . vegetarian . artist . inovator . creator . messenger . leader . lover . believer . fearless . blessed . rouge .

Wednesday, January 19, 2011

Power to the People

this man performed at Speak Easy monday night & completely blew me away.
i gotta get one of these machines & learn how to do this fasho.

aspire to inspire


love is infinite .

sulem calderon - the nxt big thing . point blank period .

Monday, January 10, 2011

be full .

i planned on blogging about the message we got in church on Sunday but my words wouldnt do it justice so here , watch it for yourself !

love & be loved.

Wednesday, January 5, 2011


my mother is beautiful, strong, amazingly giving, loving & humble beyond words. I am truely blessed to have such an amazing woman in my life to look up to. Not everyone can say the same so for that I'm thankful . She picks me up when I'm down, believes in all my aspirations and is running right next to me as I chase these dreams God has given me . She accepts me for who I am no matter how odd she may think I dress and act or how many times I cut my hair off and change it's shade of r e d. lol she loves me for me & I love her for her . I not only respect her as a mother but as a woman .

I know my mom reads my blog .. So hi ma ! I love you & everything you are. Thank you for raising me the way you did and for continuing to support me in everything I do. ( your beach house in Mexico will be the first thing purchased with my 'famous money' lol )

Monday, January 3, 2011

people are promoting the end days like its a club event .

sorry kids, no one will know the date of time of Jesus' return . so stop trying to predict it . live life . love & be loved .
- r o u g e

s a v a g e.


i love my talented friends . check out my sis Lasia in her new video . turn her all the way up !!