organic . vintage . vegetarian . artist . inovator . creator . messenger . leader . lover . believer . fearless . blessed . rouge .

Tuesday, August 31, 2010

A New Chapter;

So, after the past thirty-one days of my spiritual fast I've come back to the conclusion that my God is amazing. Who woulda known that in just one month I could of grown so much as an individual. I haven't been tweeting as much & haven't posted any blogs because my beautiful life has had me too distracted. I feel so spiritually rejuvenated. All my prayers are being answered and I am truly inspired to turn the page & start this new chapter of my life. I've been forgiven & have forgiven those who have done me any harm. r e f r e s h e d.  There are so many moves to be made, and I am making every one of them with God's hands all in the mix! Im thankful for all the people God is placing in my life. Im blessed to be surrounded by g e n u i n e love & support. My heart is so full of Gods g r a c e & the love of my friends and family that there is no room for anything else; so in turn, everything I do is surrounded by l o v e. It feels amazing. Im extra excited to go get coffee at midnight tonight !! Tomorrow Im going somewhere real nice & treating myself to a fancy grilled cheese, a glass of mascoto & some overly priced dessert .. why? Because God says I can !!

God is Good. Love is real. C'est la vie. wo0p !

Monday, August 16, 2010

Bumblebee;day 16 of #thefast

So I made it past the half way point of my fast. Getting closer to God has to be the best feeling. I go to work smiling, I come home smiling, my dog chews up my blackberry & yet I'm still smiling. Ppl may ask questions & look at me crazy or even attempt to talk down upon my relationship with God; but ppl will automatically judge what they don't understand. this isn't for them to understand. I'm not fasting for you, this is between me n the man upstairs! God & I got some major stuff in the works right now. I'm so excited for this future of mine

. . . "By all the theories of aerodynamics & physics, the bumblebee should not be able to fly, but it can. No scientific reason why it should; it just does. I guess no one bothered to tell it that flying wasn't possible . . We all dream of flying. Don't let the fact that no one thinks you can do it keep you off the runway" .-McManus
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Sunday, August 15, 2010

Friday the 13th.

Friday August 13th  my good friend Kent had a party for the project he just released titled "Becoming". Surf Club definitely knows how to throw a p a r t y ! my BOWS & i had a fabulous time . I enjoy seeing my close friends succeed and accomplish there dreams .. congrats Mr. Money and good work Surf Club.

Friday, August 13, 2010

This just in :

God is good ! Got a phone call from the lovely miss D e n i m asking me to perform at the Aqua Lounge next thursday . I'm honored by her endless compliments & I appreciate the opportunity to perform with & in front of my peers . Come rock with us next thursday !! See you there .
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Wednesday, August 11, 2010

Christopher Columbus s y n d r o m e.

Im pretty convinced that our generation has managed to manifest the most annoying trends known to man kind. We make certain foods a trend for Gods sake! . I feel like there are subliminal messages in our music, like in that movie "Josie & the Pussycats", tellin yawll  what to do or something. 

Pink Berry hit LA as if frozen yogurt were a new invention & now everyone wants to eat frozen yogurt for breakfast lunch & dinner. If you dont eat Pink Berry your forced to feel like an outcast, so even though that place is nasty you go spend your hard earned money there just to fit in. And then theres yogurtland; Pink Berrys evil twin. This place tastes a lot better in my opinion, AND their open late for all the rich vampires in LA who cant go without spending money or getting their frozen yogurt fix for more than a few hours. Personally, I prefer Golden Spoon , the place I've been getting frozen yogurt at back home since I was in the 3RD GRADE. . . You simple minded people didnt even know frozen yogurt existed a year ago, & now it has become crucial for your survival. It might as well have its own section in the food triangle right next to red velvet cupcakes & four lokos . So you think your Christopher Columbus now cuz you discovered a red velvety cake & an energy drink with alcohol ?! .. Welp, just like good 'ol Columbus you didnt discover SH** !

.. & if one more person tells me their 'artsy' i might yell back and possible offend them. All these 'artsy' people runnin around LA in their army boots & 'vintage' clothes are diluting the word and the lifestyle itself. Stop trying to be something your not by following others, JUST BE Y O U ! .. If your an artist in any kind of way then so be it. If not, go find your own hobbys and let the true artists create the art. If you really like to wear boots like I do than thats fine too. If you just have an eclectic mindset or style thats fine too, but stop saying your artsy because you have a couple tattoos and decided to go to the poetry lounge last Tuesday night.  

smh . trends

Tuesday, August 10, 2010

welcome to Lost Angels City;

The pictures say enough . Beautiful souls lost to the city of lights . Forgive them Father for they know not what they do . I pray for all my friends & family entering this industry that we dont fall into the same temptation they did . I pray that God keeps his hand in everything we do . The devil is a liar . Amen .

only God can judge me...

Actually kids, a n y o n e can judge you. I judge people all the time! so do you. Not saying its right .. Its something I've been workin' on lately. But is you getting this 'only God can judge me' tatt rly gunna stop ppl from judging you? Negative El Capitannn!! If anything ppl will judge you more . . Did you get the tattoo to justify you doing the thngs you shouldn't be doing or acting in ways you know you shouldn't be acting? Cuz if that's the case, Gods rly gna judge you for getting such a contradicting mark on your body! .. Now if Jesus had that tattoo it would go hard, & make perfect sense .. But your not Jesus. lol --> my apologies if I offended you or your tattoo .
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Monday, August 9, 2010


Yess, im a vegetarian/borderline vegan. No, i dont hate people who eat meat. People dont understand what they do not know. This is the lifestyle I chose for plenty of reasons. I feel healthier and more cleansed. I know God didnt create these beautiful animals for us to disrespect, abuse and then consume the way we do. And the more meat we consume, the more we harm our environment. Animal production uses an insane amount of our water supply, and the pesticides in the fertilizers pollute the ground water which then spills into our oceans creating “dead zones” (expansive areas so toxic that neither plant nor animal life can survive). The main reason that the south american rainforest is being cut down is to grow crops to feed to cattle. Producing the annual beef diet of th.e average American emits as much greenhouse gas as a car driven more than 1,800 miles. Say it with me .. Global warming! -->  I can go on & on with information and statistics but I'll just leave you with this video .. watch if you choose to. If not, thank you for reading.

on the set of MURS music video

Thursday, August 5th I was asked to style hair for hip hop artist MURS music video. It was a re-make of a popular song done by Common. A journey through 80's & 90's hip hip. Makin' money doin what I love & hangn' wif my friends! Had an amazing day .. Miss Rica Cupcakes & I have the faces to prove it!
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